Slot Receiver in the NFL


A physical or virtual slot in a machine into which coins or, in the case of “ticket-in, ticket-out” machines, paper tickets with barcodes, are inserted and activated to cause reels to spin. When symbols line up on the payline of a winning combination, the player receives credits based on the payout table. The number and type of symbols vary by machine, and many slots feature multiple pay lines. Bonus rounds may offer additional chances to win by selecting objects or participating in mini-games.

A position in the NFL where a receiver lines up between the tight end and offensive tackle pre-snap, allowing him to run routes that are a bit shorter on the route tree than those of an outside wide receiver. The Slot receiver’s speedy skills allow him to stretch the defense vertically as well as juke out defenders with quick outs and slant routes.

Because Slot receivers must also block, they require a more advanced ability than their outside counterparts and should work hard on improving this aspect of their game. They also need to be able to read defensive backs and anticipate their coverage to avoid being burned by quick pass rushes. They must also have the ability to carry the ball like a running back on some running plays, such as sweeps and slants. If they can master these responsibilities, the Slot receiver becomes an invaluable cog in the offense.
